Driving Dutch Design

Wil jij, samen met andere talentvolle ontwerpers die ook al een paar jaar bezig zijn, de grenzen van je ondernemerschap verleggen? Sta je open om focus aan te brengen binnen jouw creatieve onderneming? En ben je bereid om hier van februari tot en met november 2023 gemiddeld één dag per week te investeren?

Meld je dan nu aan voor de Driving Dutch Design!

Het programma van Driving Dutch Design bestaat uit een serie masterclasses op het gebied van ondernemen, een individueel mentortraject én voor wie dat wil – twee tracks: DDW/D en DDW/C. Deelnemers aan DDW/D worden begeleid bij het ontwikkelen van een individueel aanbod, of deliverable, voor de Dutch Design Week. Bij DDW/C staat de gezamelijke publiciteit tijdens DDW centraal.

De deadline is 21 november 2022. Meld je hier aan en stuur dit bericht vooral door als je iemand kent op wie dit van toepassing is.

The future of car buying: Omnichannel, personalized, and fun

If shared mobility and autonomous vehicles take off, will people still buy cars for personal use? And what will car shopping look like? The Next Normal imagines the car buyers and car dealerships of 2030.

“A big cost driver in the current distribution setup is the number of cars that you have in a dealership. In the future, dealerships will have very few cars. I still think there will be a few—but then, through virtual reality, you can modify them, you can experience them in different ways. You can say, for example, “I want to see it in red.” Virtual reality will transform this car into another color or into other features.”

Read more:
The future of car buying (PDF)

From no mobility to future mobility: Where COVID-19 has accelerated change

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted mobility, and its effects will linger well into next year. How will changing consumer preferences, technologies, and regulations shape the market in 2021?

COVID-19 swept across the globe in a matter of months, jeopardizing lives, upending businesses, and setting off a worldwide economic slump. Consumers are intensely focused on health and have altered many long-standing habits and preferences to avoid infection. Within the mobility sector, this means that many passengers favor transport modes perceived as safer and more hygienic.

Suddenly, private cars are in and shared rides seem to be out. Working from home is on the rise, again with the goal of preserving safety, while business travel and all the mobility services attached to it—flying, taxis, e-hailing— are in low demand. The best-laid plans of mobility players appear to be in tatters. It may seem that the acceleration of future mobility has come to a halt, but this first impression overlooks recent developments that will have a tremendous impact on mobility’s future.

Read more in the McKinsey & Company Compendium 2020/2021 

Download: MCFM-Compendium-2020 (PDF)

Dutch Design Week 2020 update

Unfortunately, the Dutch Design Week has been canceled this year. This is due to corona and the international character of the event. We are sorry that it cannot continue. But as Donna-e-Mobile we will get to work to cover the most striking projects for our network during the digital event.

Read more about the Dutch Design Week on their website.